Monday, February 4, 2013


I don't know about you, but I am in DESPERATE need of some new healthy recipes.  You know, something better than salad, celery, salad, carrot stick, and another salad.  LOL  Okay, so that may be a bit of an over-exaggeration of my diet, but seriously people, help a girl out!!!!!

Just think, if we all posted even just one of our favorite healthy recipes, we'd all have 17 new recipes to try!!!  And c'mon guys, I expect you to participate as well!!!  ;)

I'm not just going to ask for a recipe and not deliver myself.  However, if you take note at the time of this post, I need to get my butt to bed!!!!  So, not tonight!

So, everyone accept those invites to be a "contributor" to the blog, and post your recipes!

Also, if you'd like to introduce yourself to your fellow competitors, let's all see who we're up against in our friendly competition!!!  ;)    I know that I know everyone in the competition, but many of you don't know each other!  So reveal yourself and let's get personal!  HA!  I think we can be motivating for each other if we know a little bit about each other and if we're more vocal on here!  So, if you'd like, all introductions welcome!

However, recipes are MANDATORY!!!  ;)

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